~ Meeting Misu
Misu draws a crowd wherever she goes. Young children point and call out, "Look, it's a lion! I want to see the black lion!" The really little ones in strollers and shopping carts, just point. Kids plead with their parents to bring them over to see Misu.
I assure children and their adults that my dog really likes kids, which is true, but I warn them: "You better watch out or she'll kiss you." If they get close enough, which most children do, the kiss is inevitable. Kids either carry snacks with them or have been eating a snack moments before they run or toddle or get pushed in their wheeled transport devices to meet my dog. Kids are tasty and Misu knows it.
I remind each child to approach slowly and introduce herself by showing Misu one hand, palm up, and letting her sniff it. So, the hand kiss comes first. Very proper.
Just being around Misu seems to make people happy. Children stop crying or arguing; parents have a moment to take a breath while their kids talk to my dog and sometimes to me. Everyone smiles and tells Misu how adorable she is and then they say goodbye and go on with their day.